Been a while since I talked about an anime. Possibly because I don’t watch quite as much as I used to a couple years ago. Anyway, this time I’m here to talk about Amagami SS. It’s a romance anime that’s doesn’t stray from the typical in its content, but still manages to feel fresh through its presentation.
Our protagonist is Tachibana Junichi, a high school junior. After being stood up for a date on Christmas Eve, Junichi’s been hesitant to try again with another girl, for fear of being hurt. It’s gotten to the point where Christmas time has become a source of depression for him, and he often ducks out of the annual Founder’s Festival, a big event hosted by his school.
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Junichi's a pretty ordinary guy. |
Though developing a typical high school romance over the course of a mere four episodes is no small task, the show makes a solid effort, and most of the arcs come to a satisfying conclusion.
The series has two openings, and seven endings; one for each girl, sung by the voice actress for the heroine of the current arc. The six available heroines are as follows (in the order their arcs go)..
Haruka Morishima
Possibly one of, if not my favorite characters in the series. Haruka is a senior, probably viewed as the prettiest girl in the school. She’s won the Miss Santa contest for a couple years in a row now, and is overall a very popular girl. Stereotypical on paper, right? But you don’t need to know Haruka for long to know that she’s an oddball. Her interests, antics, and general behavior can’t be described as anything but random and amusing.![]() |
Haruka's no slouch in the pretty department |
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Do want. |
Kaoru Tanimachi
Next we have Kaoru Tanimachi. Kaoru, Junichi, and Umehara (Junichi’s friend and “partner in crime”, if you will) have been buds for a few years now. Their friendship is actually pretty infectious, filled with teasing, headlocks, and, in the case of Junichi and Umehara, porn magazines. Kaoru herself is an independent, fairly strong young woman. A lot of her actions would even suggest she might even be a tomboy, but I don’t think I’d go quite that far. After all, you’re not allowed to be a tomboy with hair as stylish as Kaoru’s.![]() |
Kaoru's a big tease. |
Sae Nakata
Sae Nakata fills in the role of both the adorable moeblob and the shy underclassman. She’s a freshman at Junichi’s highschool, and a friend of Miya, his sister. As Miya puts it, Sae is “big where it counts”. Despite being a head shorter, she’s got a bust to rival Haruka. She develops a crush on Junichi when he helps her get lunch.
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I think you can guess what's going on.. |
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The resident cutie |
Ai Nanasaki
Ai is a freshman like Sae (and in fact, the two acquaintances). Showing some hostility to Junichi initially for his perverse tendencies, she exhibits some characteristics of a Type A tsundere. Though quick to perceive his less desirable traits, Ai warms up to Junichi soon enough as she learns more about his various nuances and quirks. This is mostly what made her arc enjoyable. Ai doesn’t even particularly like Junichi at first (as a person, and certainly not as a potential romantic option), but she becomes interested him slowly but surely as she gets to know him better. It’s not like many other fictional romance stories, where the girl is either already in love with the guy whether she knows it or not, or just magically falls in love with him through one or two significant occurrences.
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Don't make that face, Ai. |
There’s actual, genuine development to the story between Ai and Junichi, from start to finish, with both sides. I guess what I’m saying is that Ai’s arc feels the most realistic. It’s a close decision whether I like Kaoru or Ai better, both in terms of their stories and end songs. But Ai just barely edges out victory in both areas, singing the best ED in the series in my opinion, and having the 3rd best arc.
Rihoko Sakurai
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"Wait! It's not as bad as it looks." |
Rihoko’s character design (and indeed, that of much of the rest of the cast) already gets kudos for not being unbelievably sexy, like how so many female anime characters are displayed. However, Rihoko is just plain adorable; sometimes more so than Nakata. Rihoko loves food, and as a result, is a bit on the chubby side (but not fat, mind you). She’s also a huge ditz, prone to tripping, oversleeping, and forgetfulness. She’s a sophomore; one year younger than Junichi. But she’s known him longer than any of the other girls, fulfilling the role of the childhood friend. The premise of Rihoko’s story is similar to Kaoru’s: the friend who becomes the lover. But it’s of a distinctly different flavor. The most concrete reason behind this is kind of a spoiler, but to say that Rihoko and Kaoru are very different people requiring very different romantic routes should suffice. Also, while Kaoru and Junichi are purely friends initially, Rihoko has a faint but definite crush on Junichi, and has for some time.
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[Insert witty caption here] |
Rihoko is a part of the Tea Club, which is currently only composed of herself, and two seniors. She’s not especially good at making tea, so it’s pretty obvious that she likely only joined for the snacks. But at the same time she does genuinely care about the club, which will be disbanded if she remains as the only member next year, after the seniors graduate. To this end, much of her arc is spent with her trying to get Junichi to join the club, which will serve the dual purpose of being able to spend more time with him and saving the club. The ending to Rihoko’s arc is tragically bittersweet when you think about it; in retrospect hers feels almost more like a story of friendship than romance. Her ending theme is my 3rd favorite of the bunch, being pretty dang catchy.
Tsukasa Ayatsuji
I’m gonna go ahead and say it: Tsukasa’s arc is easily my favorite of the entire bunch, and it’s incredibly fitting that they would save it for last. You see her plenty often throughout the series, as she’s both the Class Rep and the volunteer organizer for the Founder’s Festival (which is a significant element of the plot). She portrays the stereotype of that uber-smart, really pro-active student that’s the first to raise their hand in class, and stays after school to do all sorts of extracurricular stuff. Ayatsuji is respected, and is rarely seen without a smile on her face.
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Ayatsuji-san..? |
It’s important to note, however, that she’s not without issues. Being essentially in a league of her own, other students seem to distance themselves from her. She’s also seen as a stick in the mud by some. Those are all trivial, however, compared to what we see of her doing her arc, which is easily the most plot-heavy in the series. What you’ll have seen of Ayatsuji up until the end of the first episode of her story is entirely her “nice” side. But she has another side, too; one that she suppresses with the utmost care. And one that completely blindsided me.
I admit that I wasn’t actually expecting much from her arc, because I couldn’t help but wonder how it could possibly be interesting to watch Junichi somehow wrangle a do-gooder like her. Well apparently the writers agreed, so in went this curveball. I probably shouldn’t have even said this much, but then I wouldn’t have much to talk about. Tsukasa’s is one of three arcs that gets a “true” epilogue, the other two being Haruka and Sae (though the latter’s is questionable). Really, hers has the most fleshed out story and ending of them all, quite a feat once again considering the four episode limit.
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Merry Christmas! |
Tsukusa’s arc is followed by one final single episode arc, labeled the “truth” arc. This will feel familiar to anyone who’s played their share of VNs, or just stories with multiple endings. Often, the creators put in one ending among them all that is actually the canon one; what really happened. Same deal here. Until the final episode, I was content to treat each route as an individual plot taking place in a parallel universe. The Truth arc, however, strings all the previous arcs together as mere “what-if” scenarios. I’m not sure how I felt about this, but the nice thing about Amagami SS is that I can simply pretend the Truth arc does not exist.
Though the content kept me watching, what actually drew me to Amagami SS was the visual style. Presented in HD, the show looks absolutely terrific. Through countless battles with my internet connection, I was able to procure both a few episodes in 720p, and one in 1080p. It was a feast for the eyes. More eye-catching, however, is the character design. All of the characters in Amagami SS manage to look very unique from each other, without straying from the realistic. Bodies are drawn proportionally, and the wide variety of hair styles is actually a little inspiring. Nothing about the visual design in Amagami SS says “colorful” or “extravagant”, something that can’t be said of so many other anime series. In short, the show strikes a perfect balance between the reserved and the flashy, resulting in a subtle yet tasteful art style that is nothing short of refreshing.
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It's ticklin' time. |
Once more, the reason why I truly enjoyed Amagami SS lied in its presentation. The unique plot format and polished visuals both helped a lot to boost the overall quality of an otherwise conventional romance title. Amagami SS is a Grade A example of an ordinary design made extraordinary through the sheer power of good execution.
PS: Now I remember why I don't do as many anime posts! Because Blogger's image formatting options are broken at worst, and restrictive at best. Really, the formatting in general is busted, but it's a lot easier to deal with when the article is just text.